Hey! So in about..an hour it'll be June first which means my first 30 days of blog post. A little info about 30 days.. 

I'm doing it because I've been having a MAJOR case of writer's block, which I said in my last blog about half a month ago. Thus I am challenging myself to write. These blogs will be about anything and everything that happens in my day to day life. 

Why blogging? You say. Well because with a blog, I can literally jot down what happened today, edit it for grammar and move on to tomorrow. 

If anybody ends up reading this, comments would be MUCH appreciated, as it will make me feel less like I'm talking to myself. Also, I may be taking idea suggestions at the end of the month, because let's face it, I don't really have a life if I'm sitting here on the internet. 

Hmm, that's about it I suppose. I'll be posting either when I wake up, or when I get home tomorrow. 
I know I said I'd use this, and I haven't been. I've been having a MAJOR case of writer's block in the last 2 months, which is why in June I'm going to do 30 days of blogs. One each day on random things in my life. I'm aware that NOBODY is reading this, but on the off chance somebody comes across it, I'll try to make them interesting. 

On the other hand, life has been zooming on. I hate to sound like every other teenage dreamer out there, but I feel like my chances of breaking out of my shell and being everything I want to be are flying by me. I feel like I'm just "average" at everything and not "good" at anything. And even if I were, I can't find the right outlets to become anything off of it. 

Sometimes I wonder how all these actresses, and musicians, and even magicians got their foot in the door. Being a fan of Criss Angel, I've heard stories about how he did whatever it took, he pushed his "art" as he calls it almost all the time, he was always changing, always growing. 

Everybody's got to do something to get their foot in the door, and the ones that make it are the ones that work for it. How does one go about pushing crappy poetry, short stories, mediocre photography, or dare I say it, semi-alright acting and singing? 
It's been one year and one day since this picture was taken. In that year I got used to taking the city bus, saw relationships end, saw a new decade begin. In that year I began my junior year of high school, came up with book ideas, took some pictures that I'm REALLY proud of, spoke in front of a class of my peers, and started my second year of Journalism in school. But recently, I've been... nothing. I've been slacking off school and definitely confused about the direction my life is taking. Am I becoming.. lazy? I guess I just feel like school isn't going anywhere. I've never gotten good grades, unless you count third grade.  I just feel like I'm running uphill in my life. College is still up in the air, but wherever I'm going, I'm going to make it me. 

Sorry for the long blog, if any of you are actually reading it, I forgot how good it feels to write.