Okay, so the June Blitz didn't work out. For many reasons. Not the least of which being I did absolutely nothing. 

Aand when I wasn't doing nothing, I was doing too much. I am going to start a new tactic though. I'd like to blog at LEAST once a week. So today I bring you a list. How to manage all the food on your proverbial "plate" Or, "How to live life without completely going nutters." 

1. Love who you are- It's really not that hard. Sit down and list every aspect of yourself that you can possibly think of. Get some help if you need it, friends, enemies, family, they will all help you think of things about yourself. Now, read your list and circle the ones you don't like. Figure out why you don't like them. If you think you're too fat, think of ways to change it, or merely accept it. I'm in a limbo with both right now. I accept that its my body, but I'd like to be down to a certain weight again. Slow but steady wins the race. You are in control of your body. 

2. Laugh- Everybody says that Laughter is the best medicine. They're right. If you go a day without laughing, its bound to be the longest, most miserable day you'll experience. Right up there with the slow crawl to the first day of summer, or the concert you've been waiting months for. Find an excuse to laugh. Any one. Just laugh. 

3. Be Yourself- Don't change for anybody. We've all got a romping 5 year old in our brains. Its okay to let it out sometimes. Be your honest self and nobody can tell you what you are or aren't. Nobody likes that girl or guy who has a web of lies so big they could catch an elephant with it. 

4. Don't plan- Don't plan your day. Just let it happen. Some of the best days I've ever had weren't planned. This doesn't mean sit at home, it means go watch a spontaneous movie, or go somewhere exciting. Look up events on facebook and go to them. Take a hike if you live near woods. Visit some local attractions if you live in a big city. Just get out and get spontaneous. 
You have to go to work, that's a must. But do we plan for that? Is it ever thought about like that? Most of us cloud work out as a black spot in our plan anyway. "Go to work until 4. Be home at 4:15. Go for a walk at 4:30. Feed the cat at 5:00 Make plans for every minute of tomorrow at 5:01..repeat" Your free time is YOUR free time. 
I'm saying nobody can ever predict how the day's going to turn out. Plan or no plan. You could go into labor 3 weeks early and otherwise have been planning to go on a structured walk around a park. 

5. Deal with one bill at a time-  Rent. Electric. Water. Car. etc. We all have these bills. But many think of them as one big problem, rather than separate entities. Chances are they aren't all due on the same day. If you get paid bi-weekly, you're probably stressing about what money goes where and how you can possibly get it all paid. Just take it one bill at a time. Write the check for rent or mortgage and send it off, then the next day do the water bill. 

6. Budget- Many people find this to be an evil word, but it's not. It simply means deciding where money needs to go, and where you want it to go. Some bills are the same every month and will be easy to budget. Some aren't. Write down the static bills first, then move on to the utilities like gas and electric. They're usually around the same, but we all have high months, plan to pay a slightly higher amount, so you won't be tight when the actual numbers come in. Once all the bills are written down, move on to the other essentials, like food and gas. 

With food prices ever getting higher, it can put a big dip in the budget. Find the sales. Planning around 200 dollars for food is practical, but it can be done under that. Healthy fruits like apples and bananas are usually fairly cheap. They can make a great snack, compared to the 5 dollar packages of klondike bars or 4 dollar bags of chips. 

Put the rest of the money into catagories such as "savings" "entertainment" "emergency" and "other" other being anything else that could come up. If you've got kids this could include allowances, toys, clothes, etc. 

7. Deal with what life throws at you- Just deal with it. Don't spend time worrying about how you're going to overcome this latest blow. Think it through rationally and calmly and then act. Find some way to laugh it off or joke about it later. Think your way through it slowly and avoid a mental breakdown. List all possible obstacles this problem could possibly carry and figure out how you're going to avoid or get past them. What I'm saying is, Don't stress. Stressing creates a mental block in which you are unable to see a way out of your situation. 

Those were 7 ways that I found to keep happy. I've also just realized that they're the opposite of my mom. Odd. See you next week!